Thursday, April 30, 2009

We generally have viva following every internal. We have to go to all the teachers of the department (HOD included) individually and it lasts for about 5-10 mins. But as it goes that our viva is for 40 marks they make it 4*10..meaning 4 teachers and 10 marks per teacher!!!...This is the general protocol and I fairly guess this is a much better way to assess students and grade them(note: I am using the word better). Firstly you go to the teacher individually so whatever happens inside is only between both you...meaning if getting scolded was an issue then only your teacher is scolding (which like happens every alternate day!!) when nobody else is around!!:) for it can very embarrassing to be be insulted amidst your friends.

Now coming to why I used the word "better"...Now in the 2nd year...this is not the pattern of viva!! Now it is called Tutorials!! What happens in this is that... we are divided into batches and each batch is assigned 4-5 teachers respectively(again HOD included). We are made to sit according to our roll numbers and each of us is posed a question and if one didn't know the answer it is passed on to the next in roll!! And the marking scheme is like 1 or 0.Wait...the question is passed .....not before you get a piece of the teacher's mind!!! It goes to that level where our teachers even ask us which text books we refer to!!:( OMG it is pretty nightmarish!!:x

This system is nice in ways more than one...firstly when others make mistakes you also tend to realize where you could go wrong,plus the teachers discuss the topic and it ends like a group discussion with marks!!It is re-revising the topic with your teachers in class of 25(not 100). Finally after one session of disgrace we prepare better for the next one:)

Now coming to the flaws...the first candidate is the most fortunate one (unfortunately not me)...for he/she get the most easiest question...most of the times it is a definition!!..and the ones towards the middle(this is where I come) get the modified difficult versions of the easy questions:( our questions always start like...What do you think happens when......?,Why should this .....?Can you think of other examples....?...and so on...:(...all these are very subjective and it requires explanation which is never satisfying to our teachers..they want so called short and crisp answers!!("ans to the point" is what we are told!!).

Hmmm anyway lot of things can't be changed...Teachers are always right and customers are always right!! Students are students!!! What is a student's life without scoldings? An exam without tension? Viva without fear? All this is a part and parcel of student life...:) with which happiness comes along as an UNLIMITED PACKAGE!!! :):)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tutorials bahut dooki karte hain yaar. i hate tutorials aur patho HOD ACCHE to hain par hamesh woh nahi aate isliya main bahut sad hon jaati hoon.