Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome back!! After having written about my first day of hostel...I think that it is also worthwhile to write about my first day of college!!!
But this I am going to write in the form of a poem which was written by me not on the first day,not even in the first year...but in a theory class in the second year!!![P.S:This poem is not to display my poetic skills but to show how effectively time can be made use of!!]
This is what I have to say...

I was not in the mood to spin a yarn,
For there was so much,to study and learn!!
Something that got over in a jiffy,
Yes, a here I go!!

Proud and honored I walked into Medical school,
And tried my level best...not to look like a fool!!
The others too walked in with their heads very high,
But home was all that I cared about...Oh sigh!!

Then came the subjects-Anatomy,Biochemistry and Physiology,
But I guess it all depends on Psychology,
Missing home was my aetiology,
The only reason for my mind's Pathology!!

With all my might,I tried to overcome my fears,
But in vain,my eyes were blinded by hot tears!!
For Bangalore was my final destination,
And all the above...
not just a figment of my imagination!!

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